Monday, March 9, 2015

I finished reading The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.  In the end, Michael ends up becoming an All-American offensive guard at the University of Mississippi.  He then later gets drafted in the first round by the Baltimore Ravens.  This completes his journey from a kid on the streets, to an NFL player.  It is a really inspiring story and it gives people hope.  Even if your not a football fan or you just do not understand it, this book can still be a good read.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a good book to read.  The next book I am reading is one by Stephen King called Salem's LotI read The Stand and I really liked it.  It was suggested to me by a friend.  I have only read a couple of pages but I do know it is a horror book and I assume it will be very good since Stephen King is the author.  I recommend that people go check out his work, it is very good.  I will update you guys soon on my progress.  For now it is time to start reading.

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