Sunday, May 17, 2015

Before I start my final blog, I would just like to tell you guys I finished The Lost Symbol.  I really liked it because it had a lot of action and suspense.  I recommend this book.  The ending did not really surprise since it ends like most Dan Brown books do.  Anyways back to the assignment.
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I strongly dislike reading just like I strongly dislike Ohio State.
I do not like reading because I just do not find it that entertaining.  I would rather do other things with my time since I do not have much time to do other things.  The only time I could really read during a day would be study hall but I have to do homework.  I can only read during the weekends.  I understand reading is important and all but I just do not like it.
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I strongly dislike blogging just like I strongly dislike Michigan State.
The best part of blogging was that I got to express my opinions because I am a very opinionated person.  The worst was just getting on and doing it.  I can be very lazy and I procrastinate a lot so this was just another assignment and I did not like doing it.  I think blogging however can be a very helpful tool because you can get opinions on books and in-depth look before you read the book to see if you would want to read.  It can also be used to help the teachers see if the students get the book.  Blogging can be very valuable.

My freshman year has been a blur.  It seems like just yesterday was my first day of school.  I have gained a lot of valuable experience this year which will serve me well through high school.  This was my first year at Mason and I enjoyed it.  At first it was a little rough adjusting to the system and trying to make friends.  I think overall, I handled it well and made lots of friends and memories.  I think my work ethic has grown and I have become less of a procrastinator.  I will not forget this year.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Lost Symbol

I have started reading The Lost Symbol by Dan BrownIt is the sequel to the Da Vinci Code.  I read the Da Vinci Code about a year ago and really loved it.  It has a great plot that really kept me intrigued in the book.  I recommend that book to anyone who is looking for a good read.  I did not know that it had a sequel until about a week ago when I looked in Mrs. Leitsch's library and found it.  As soon as I was that it was the sequel to the Da Vinci Code, I started reading it.  So far I have read about 70 pages and I really enjoy it.  It has the same mystery aspect to it as the Da Vinci Code and also is high-pace.  Robert Langdon, the main character, is called by Peter Solomon, one of his dearest friends and head of the Smithsonian, to ask him whether or not he wants to be a guest speaker.  Langdon replies yes to one of his "assistants".  Langdon then gets on a plane and flies to D.C.  He heads to the Smithsonian and goes to the room where the meeting is held.  To his surprise no one is there.  In anger, he calls "Peter's" number to ask where he was supposed to meet.  The man reveals he is not one of Peter's assistants and he sent him here to help him find something.  His name is Mal'akh.  He also finds out that he has kidnapped Peter and cut off his right hand.  Langdon goes and tries to find him so he can rescue him.  Peter also has a sister named Katherine who is in the field of Noetic Science which is supposed to revolutionize the world.  She has her own lab spefically made for Noetic Science in the Smithsonian.  There are also some flashbacks to when Peter first showed her the lab and some memories she had of them together in there since she is waiting for him for a meeting.  Little does she know that he had been captured and had his right hand severed.  I will keep you guys updated as I keep reading.              
   The Lost Symbol

Sunday, April 19, 2015

"Something to remember for Thanksgiving" by Mary Schmich
1.  The writer wants the reader to feel thankful for what they have while reading this column.  She didn't have much as a kid and she know that, but she wanted the Nutty Buddy.  Even though she got it she did not realize how much that meant to her until later in her life.  You should realize now that in your life there are things you really value and you should value them instead of just wanting more and more and more.  Money does not buy happiness.  You need to remember this especially when Thanksgiving comes by: "This week begins the official giving season, a season that also comes with wishing, expecting, demanding. There's a temptation to feel that what we get, or what we give, is never quite enough."  You need to be thankful.
2.  The writer wants the audience to remember "that no matter how little you think you have, there's always enough to give some away, and no matter how little you think you've gotten, you may understand later that it was huge."  Even though her dad did not have that much money he still gave some away to his daughter so she could buy an ice cream bar. "He was standing up, fishing in his pants pocket. He pulled out some change, counted it in his palm, pressed it into one of mine."  This meant so much to her but she did not even realize it.  She took it for nothing but now many many years later she realized it actually meant a lot.  That is the main message that she really wants to stick with you. 
3.  The purpose of the column is to show people that you should be thankful for what you have and you should not take things for granite.  "This week begins the official giving season, a season that also comes with wishing, expecting, demanding. There's a temptation to feel that what we get, or what we give, is never quite enough.  I don't agree that poverty is entirely a state of mind, but I know what my father meant. And part of what he meant is that no matter how little you think you have, there's always enough to give some away, and no matter how little you think you've gotten, you may understand later that it was huge."  Again she had nothing but when she got something she was really happy.  You can not always want the newest or next thing.  You need to be thankful for what you have because there is someone out there who does not have what you have.  There is also things in life that you do not think mean much but they actually will at some point.  Even if you do not have much money you still have some to give away and help other people.  Be thankful.
4.  Schmich uses syntax and diction very well.  She uses the word jostling to give a vivid image of what this day was really like.  "A couple of my brothers were in the jostling crowd".  She uses the word vista to make her view sound fancy.  "Suddenly, from my porch vista,".  She uses words like scurrying to really make a vivid scene.  "I was scurrying away, elated and mystified, afraid the ice cream man would escape before this miracle came to fruition."  She uses a lot of repetition like "Suddenly, from my porch vista, I wanted a Nutty Buddy like I'd never wanted a Nutty Buddy before, like I'd never wanted anything. I deserved a Nutty Buddy. I would demand a Nutty Buddy." and also  There were things you weren't allowed to do in my father's house. Curse. Lie. Leave lights on in empty rooms or dirty dishes in the sink. Of all the sins, the greatest was talking back, so I spun on my flip-flopped heel to get out of there, and fast."  She mostly uses repetition to make her point.
5.  This is very valuable to society because it teaches a valuable lesson most kids have not learned yet: be thankful for what you have.  Things are valuable and you need to respect them.  "And part of what he meant is that no matter how little you think you have, there's always enough to give some away, and no matter how little you think you've gotten, you may understand later that it was huge."  It shows that she believes they are a lot of people that need to work on this but at the same time she thinks that they can work on them.  People in our society need to be reminded that they need to be thankful, this column helps reinforce that.  There is always someone out there that does not have what you have so show gratitude and be thankful.

Monday, April 6, 2015

I quickly fell in love with this book.  I'm pretty sure I read a record amount of pages in a day.  I spent some of my in Knoxville, Tennessee.  I then had a 10 hr drive to Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I decided to read Salem's Lot during this drive.  The pace of the book really kept me reading.  I'm also pretty sure this is one of the first times I've read in the car.  I was pretty proud of myself.  I don't really feel that many emotions when I read books, but I found myself thinking I was in the character's shoes, critiquing them.  I would think things that man that't stupid or I wouldn't have done that.  I couldn't really critique them though because they were doing what they thought was best.  I normally give a summary but I don't want to ruin the ending like I normally do so if you want to read this book you can.  It really shocked me.  I really like the characters.  Salem's Lot  in my opinion, is a 5 star book, and I'm not the only one who says this.  There are countless 5 star reviews of this book everywhere I look.  I again recommend this book to anyone who loves horror.  I don't like horror that much, but i still found myself thoroughly enjoying this.  READ THIS BOOK!   

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I think Salem's Lot is a very well written book.  I'm not really into horror books or movies and general but I am still enjoying this book.  King's inspiration to write this book actually came from Dracula.  he wanted to know what would happen if Dracula came to life in the 20th century in a small town in America.  I think the final result is very good.  The thing that impresses me the most about King is his extensive vocabulary.  There are a lot of words I have to look up but it really helps my vocabulary.  I again highly recommend this book for anyone who wants a good read.  Here is a quick summary of where I am: the main character is Ben Mears.  After 25 years, of being away from his hometown, he decides to return home.  The name of the town is Jerusalem's Lot or Salem's Lot for short.  This is where the name of the book comes from.  Shortly upon returning home, he quickly strikes up a friendship with a high school teacher names Matt Burke.  He also starts dating Susan Norton a young college graduate.  Ben starts writing a book about the Marsten house which is an abandoned house he had a bad experience at.  He learns that it has been bought by Kurt Barlow, an Australian immigrant.  He also has a business partner named Richard Staker and he is the only one ever seen in public.  Their arrival also coincides with the disappearance of Ralphie Glick.  His brother Danny dies, and he is also the towns first vampire.  Mike Ryerson, Randy McDougall, Jack Griffen, and Danny's own mother, Marjorie Glick are turned into vampires.  Only one person is able to resist him and that is Mark Petrie.  He does this by holding a plastic cross in front of Danny's face.  I can't wait to continue reading.  I will keep you guys updated.

Monday, March 9, 2015

I finished reading The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.  In the end, Michael ends up becoming an All-American offensive guard at the University of Mississippi.  He then later gets drafted in the first round by the Baltimore Ravens.  This completes his journey from a kid on the streets, to an NFL player.  It is a really inspiring story and it gives people hope.  Even if your not a football fan or you just do not understand it, this book can still be a good read.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a good book to read.  The next book I am reading is one by Stephen King called Salem's LotI read The Stand and I really liked it.  It was suggested to me by a friend.  I have only read a couple of pages but I do know it is a horror book and I assume it will be very good since Stephen King is the author.  I recommend that people go check out his work, it is very good.  I will update you guys soon on my progress.  For now it is time to start reading.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dover Beach Extension

Doors slammed and the house was empty.  "I can't believe that that Montag guy said that", said Mrs. Phelps.  "I concur", said Mrs. Bowles.  "What does that poem even mean?" "I have no idea.  I all I know is that I'm really upset right now."  "I'm going home." "Me too."  Mrs Bowles started sprinting, long gone before Mrs. Phelps could start to begin to process what had happened. Mrs. Phelps couldn't help think about the poetry's lines.  "The Sea of Faith Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore", "Ah, love, let us be true" What does that even mean? I need to know.  The lines kept ringing in Mrs. Phelps' head.  "I have got to figure out what these lines mean", said Mrs. Phelps privately.

She couldn't think.  She was on the verge of collapsing.  She had to stabilize herself.  She quickly found a wall to lean against.  She had no idea what she was feeling.  Sadness possibly.  He crying was almost uncontrollable.  She had not cried in a long time, not since when she was a youngster, crying whenever she wanted something.. She hadn't cried since because she had everything, she didn't want anything.  She was perfectly content with what she had and who she was.  So what could possibly make her so upset? 

The lines came back again, and she recalled his stern voice.  It sounded like he was saying things were wrong.  They couldn't possibly be wrong though, right?  Things were a certain way for a reason.  So why would he question them?  Why am I still a mess?

She came to the conclusion that she was being silly.  Ya, silly she said with a pained expression on her face.  Montag had to be wrong and she was right.  She was now happy.  She realized she just overreacted.  I was just being silly.