Sunday, May 17, 2015

Before I start my final blog, I would just like to tell you guys I finished The Lost Symbol.  I really liked it because it had a lot of action and suspense.  I recommend this book.  The ending did not really surprise since it ends like most Dan Brown books do.  Anyways back to the assignment.
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I strongly dislike reading just like I strongly dislike Ohio State.
I do not like reading because I just do not find it that entertaining.  I would rather do other things with my time since I do not have much time to do other things.  The only time I could really read during a day would be study hall but I have to do homework.  I can only read during the weekends.  I understand reading is important and all but I just do not like it.
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I strongly dislike blogging just like I strongly dislike Michigan State.
The best part of blogging was that I got to express my opinions because I am a very opinionated person.  The worst was just getting on and doing it.  I can be very lazy and I procrastinate a lot so this was just another assignment and I did not like doing it.  I think blogging however can be a very helpful tool because you can get opinions on books and in-depth look before you read the book to see if you would want to read.  It can also be used to help the teachers see if the students get the book.  Blogging can be very valuable.

My freshman year has been a blur.  It seems like just yesterday was my first day of school.  I have gained a lot of valuable experience this year which will serve me well through high school.  This was my first year at Mason and I enjoyed it.  At first it was a little rough adjusting to the system and trying to make friends.  I think overall, I handled it well and made lots of friends and memories.  I think my work ethic has grown and I have become less of a procrastinator.  I will not forget this year.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Lost Symbol

I have started reading The Lost Symbol by Dan BrownIt is the sequel to the Da Vinci Code.  I read the Da Vinci Code about a year ago and really loved it.  It has a great plot that really kept me intrigued in the book.  I recommend that book to anyone who is looking for a good read.  I did not know that it had a sequel until about a week ago when I looked in Mrs. Leitsch's library and found it.  As soon as I was that it was the sequel to the Da Vinci Code, I started reading it.  So far I have read about 70 pages and I really enjoy it.  It has the same mystery aspect to it as the Da Vinci Code and also is high-pace.  Robert Langdon, the main character, is called by Peter Solomon, one of his dearest friends and head of the Smithsonian, to ask him whether or not he wants to be a guest speaker.  Langdon replies yes to one of his "assistants".  Langdon then gets on a plane and flies to D.C.  He heads to the Smithsonian and goes to the room where the meeting is held.  To his surprise no one is there.  In anger, he calls "Peter's" number to ask where he was supposed to meet.  The man reveals he is not one of Peter's assistants and he sent him here to help him find something.  His name is Mal'akh.  He also finds out that he has kidnapped Peter and cut off his right hand.  Langdon goes and tries to find him so he can rescue him.  Peter also has a sister named Katherine who is in the field of Noetic Science which is supposed to revolutionize the world.  She has her own lab spefically made for Noetic Science in the Smithsonian.  There are also some flashbacks to when Peter first showed her the lab and some memories she had of them together in there since she is waiting for him for a meeting.  Little does she know that he had been captured and had his right hand severed.  I will keep you guys updated as I keep reading.              
   The Lost Symbol